📝 奉獻號碼申請表 / Offering Number Request Form 🔗 

你將會透過電郵方式收到恩泉奉獻號碼. 如你沒有個人電郵, 請提供電話號碼, 以便與你聯絡. 多謝!

Once the request is received, you will receive your offering number in your provided email address. If you don't have an email address, please provide your phone number. Thanks.

常費奉獻  Tithe Offering
請在此處點擊 Click here

建堂奉獻 Church Building Offering
請在此處點擊 Click Here

In the add/write note field, enter your full name and offering number. If you do not have a offering number, please provide the complete address, including the postal code.