恩泉外展傳道部於2025年,即將成立第二個外展興趣群組,透過 「森巴健康舞蹈」及「室內健身操」活動,組織志趣相投的親友加入!歡迎青年,成年夫婦組合一同參加 ! 會員名額有限,大家報名從速!
- 02/12/2025(晚上8:30-10:00 )
- 03/12/2025 (晚上8:30-10:00 )
- 04/02/2025 (晚上8:30-10:00 )
- 費用全免, 名額上限40人。
A new Community Outreach Interest Group will be created in 2025! Welcome to Stouffville Grace Baptist Church - "Wednesday Night Fever “ Zumba dance group. This group is suitable for all skill levels, organized for like-minded relatives and friends to join, as well as young and adult couples to participate. The number of our membership is limited, please sign up as soon as possible!
There will be 3 sessions ( All on Wednesday) in our 1st Season:
- 02/12/2025 (8:30-10:30pm)
- 03/12/2025 (8:30-10:30pm)
- 04/02/2025 (8:30-10:30pm)
- Free of charge, with a maximum participants limit of 40.
For registration and details, please log in here.