江山偉牧師|牧者心聲|作俗世清泉 - 新年願景與使命

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「一元復始主賜福,萬象更新人蒙恩。」 新的一年象徵新的起點,我們迎接的不僅是歲月的更迭,更是神恩典的邀請與靈命更新的契機。新年是靈命更新的時刻,我們要回應聖經的教導 :

你們要脫去從前的行為,脫去舊我;這舊我是因私慾的迷惑而漸漸敗壞的。你們要把自己的心志更新,並且穿上新我;這新我是照著神的形像造的,有從真理來的公義和聖潔。(弗 4:22-24)

「脫去舊人,穿上新人」- 屬靈的成長需要藉著基督的大能治死舊我,迎接新生命的改變,這是我們成聖旅程的重要一步。

  • 反思過去一年的行動與抉擇:是否有不合神心意的事?若有,應悔改並努力更新;若無,則繼續邁向更像基督的生命。
  • 以信心迎接挑戰與托付:制定具體可行的目標,以禱告和聖靈的引導行事。

上半年教會講道的主題是 「作俗世清泉」,透過學習 《雅各書》,我們將明白從上頭來的智慧如何塑造我們的生命,我們蒙召不只是聽道,更要行道,用生命去見證神的愛與真理。當我們如此活出基督的生命,我們便能成為清泉之源,讓神的智慧與愛浸透我們的家庭、職場和社區,使生命得以更新,世界因我們而得福。

2025 年也是教會一個重要的里程碑,我們踏上建堂的新階段。這是一項偉大的使命,是神託付的機會,讓我們成為同心同行、恩典共承的屬靈夥伴。這段旅程需要我們全體恩泉家以信心、愛心和行動來回應,憑著神的供應來完成祂的旨意:

  • 屬靈資源:更多的禱告、信心和從神而來的智慧,使每一個決策都與祂的心意一致。
  • 人力資源:弟兄姊妹積極參與,從侍奉到籌備,人人擺上恩賜,共同承擔事工。
  • 財務資源:憑信心甘心奉獻,深信神將以祂無盡的恩典滿足我們一切所需。

2025 年是充滿挑戰和盼望的一年。讓我們藉著自省和更新,成為滋潤生命的活泉,憑信心和行動投身建堂使命,以愛和智慧見證基督,將神的祝福傾流到世界各處,榮耀祂的聖名!

A Fresh Way of Life Together: New Year Vision and Mission

A new year symbolizes a fresh start, a transition not merely of time but an invitation of God’s grace and an opportunity for spiritual renewal. The new year is a time for spiritual growth, as we respond to the biblical teaching: "Put off your old self and put on the new self" (Ephesians 4:22-24). Spiritual growth requires us to put to death our old self through the power of Christ and embrace the transformation of new life—an essential step in our journey of sanctification.

  • Reflect on the past year's actions and choices: Were there things done against God’s will? If so, repent and strive for renewal; if not, continue progressing toward a life more like Christ.
  • Face challenges and responsibilities with faith: Set specific and achievable goals, acting with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The church’s sermon theme for the first half of the year is "A Fresh Way of Life Together". Through studying the Book of James, we will learn how wisdom from above shapes our lives. We are called not only to be hearers of the Word but doers, bearing witness to God’s love and truth through our lives. By living out the life of Christ in this way, we become springs of living water, allowing God’s wisdom and love to saturate our families, workplaces, and communities, bringing renewal to lives and blessings to the world.

The year 2025 also marks a significant milestone for our church as we step into a new phase of our building project. This is a great mission and an opportunity entrusted by God for us to become spiritual partners united in grace. This journey requires the entire church family to respond with faith, love, and action, trusting in God’s provision to fulfill His purposes:

  • Spiritual resources: More prayer, faith, and God-given wisdom to ensure every decision aligns with His will.
  • Human resources: Active participation from brothers and sisters, using their gifts to serve and support the project collectively.
  • Financial resources: Generous and faith-driven giving, trusting that God’s boundless grace will meet all our needs.

The year 2025 will be filled with challenges and hope. Let us, through self-reflection and renewal, become springs of living water that nourish lives. With faith and action, let us embrace the mission of building the church. Through love and wisdom, let us bear witness to Christ, pouring out God’s blessings to all corners of the world and glorifying His holy name!