粵語牧師 [粵語部]
Cantonese Pastor
山偉牧師十分感謝主耶穌的恩典,可以在恩泉浸信會牧養,以及和眾位肢體一同用不同恩賜服侍主,在Stouffville社區當中領受神的心意,藉著不同的方法,讓更多的人可以體會和感受得到主恩的豐盛。展望在恩泉家的服事,能持守天父對他的教導:「務要牧養在你們中間 神的群羊,按着 神旨意照管他們;不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心;也不是因為貪財,乃是出於樂意;也不是轄制所託付你們的,乃是作群羊的榜樣。」(彼前五2~3)
Pastor Jesse spent his formative years in Hong Kong. Having 7 years of experience into IT, he responded to God’s calling and completed his Master of Divinity at Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary in 2008. He devoted 14 years to Hong Kong Baptist Church and was ordained in 2017.
He is passionate about preaching the Truth and helping people discover the grace of Jesus. He believes that discipleship is not just about doing, but begins with knowing the Father intimately through prayer, worship, and His Word. His dream is for nations to be disciples of Jesus, and his desire is to become a vessel for the revival of God’s people.
He loves table-tennis and travelling, enjoys spending free time with his family, as well as solitude with God in silence. He is married to Pastor Mandy, his closest ministry partner who shares the same heart in building Kingdom business. They have two awesome children, David and Jonathan. Their family loves to turn their home into a place where people feel relaxed and comfortable to share and to connect.
In 2022, God led Pastor Jesse to be a Cantonese Pastor of SGBC and start a new spiritual journey with his family in Stouffville.