Rev. Ada|PASTOR’S CORNER|A Journey to Tao Fong Shan 道風山之旅

 I was blessed to visit Hong Kong about two months ago to see my family and friends. One of the highlights of my two-week stay was a visit to Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, a renowned Christian retreat and spiritual site that emphasizes Christian spirituality, cultural exchange, and contemplation. 我很感恩在大約兩個月前前往香港探訪家人和朋友。這次為期兩週的旅程中,其中一個亮點是參觀了道風山基督教中心,一個著名的基督教靜修和靈修場所,致力於推廣基督信仰、文化交流和靜觀默想。


Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre was founded by a Norwegian missionary Karl Ludvig Reichelt (1877-1952). Reverend Reichelt had the vision of preaching to Buddhists, establishing a Christian Centre that is similar to a Buddhist monastery, where he can host, have a dialogue with, and build friendships with Buddhist monks, learning the truth all the while. In 1930, Reverend Reichelt and his colleague Axel S. Hamre decided to purchase the mountain from the government with $3780 Mexican silver dollar and named it Tao Fong Shan, which symbolizes that the Word of God and Holy Spirit will resemble the wind in the air, traveling around the world and sending off breezes from Tao Fong Shan to people in tough times. Later, the pastor invited his friend, a Danish architect, Johannes Prip-Møller (1889-1943) to design Tao Fong Shan. Prip-Møller pictured the Centre having a Chinese-style ambience, so that the Chinese Buddhists or Taoists can feel at home when they visit. Not only did Tao Fong Shan become a centre of Christian-Buddhist exchange, but it also became a place of retreat, a spiritual instructor incubator, and a scenic attraction to hikers and tourists. ( 道風山基督教叢林由挪威傳教士艾香德 (Karl Ludvig Reichelt, 1877-1952) 牧師所創立的。艾牧師察覺到中國有大量信仰佛教和道教的信徒,因此他開始萌起對中國異教徒做福音工作的異象,他希望建立一個類似佛教寺廟的基督教叢林,可以接待僧侶,跟他們對話交流,建立友誼和學習真理。1930年,艾牧師與其同工韓慕德 (Axel S. Hamre) 決定用 3780 墨西哥銀元跟政府購入此山,並將這裡命名為「道風山」,取其意思把上帝的道,基督的靈像空中的風一樣,從道風山吹到世界各地,讓在苦熱中的人得到清鮮爽快的道風。及後,艾牧師邀請其朋友丹麥建築師艾術華 (Johannes Prip-Møller,1889-1943) 著手規劃道風山。艾牧師希望叢林能有一個中國化的氛圍,讓中國的佛、道教徒來到這環境不致陌生。道風山不只逐漸發展成為與佛道僧侶交流、對話的中心,也是給信徒退省靈修,培育宗教人材的園地,更是時人旅行、登高和遊覽的勝地。(

Centre Map:


The entrance archway features four words welcoming all visitors: 「道風境界」, which means “the Realm of Tao Fong.” The free translation is “the mountain blowing the Christ Wind/Spirit.” The entrance archway feels like passing through a tunnel or a cave. “Realm” is a religious term which means entering a journey to a new world. I was eagerly looking forward to encountering the Lord during this brief visit.  入口的拱門上刻有四個字,歡迎所有訪客:「道風境界」。意譯是「吹送基督之風/靈的山」。入口的拱門給人一種穿越隧道或洞穴的感覺。「境界」是一個宗教用語,意味著踏上通往全新天地的旅程。我非常期待在這次短短的遊訪中與主相遇。


The Lotus Pond was built in the early 1930s. In Chinese culture, the lotus symbolizes purity — growing out of mud yet remaining pure and untainted. This reminds me of our pulpit theme for the first half of 2025: “A Fresh Way of Living Together.” How can we live in a way that reflects the beauty of God’s character, drawing others to Him through lives marked by wisdom, humility, integrity, and compassion, even in a “muddy” or polluted world? 蓮花池建於 1930 年代初期。在中國文化中,蓮花象徵純 — 出淤泥而不染。這讓我想起我們 2025 年上半年講壇主題:「作俗世清泉」。我們如何能活出基督,映照上帝的榮美,透過充滿智慧、謙卑、正直和憐憫的生命,吸引他人歸向祂,即便身處於一個「淤泥般污濁」或被污染的世界?

It was said that the Labyrinth was used as the devotion tool to replace making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem during the Middle Ages. Today, the Labyrinth is mostly used for personal spiritual exercises. The Labyrinth is one of my favourite spiritual exercises. As I walk through the Labyrinth slowly and intentionally, aligning my thoughts with God and praying to Him, my whole being gradually attunes to His presence. It’s not so much about what I do or how I do it, but about creating space for God’s grace to pour down, learning to connect with Him, and listening to His revelation of Himself in His still, small voice. 據說,明陣在中世紀時期被用作替代前往耶路撒冷朝聖的靈修工具。今天,明陣多用於個人的靈性操練。明陣是我最喜愛的屬靈操練之一。當我慢慢且刻意地緩步行走明陣,將我的思想對準神並向祂禱告時,我的整個身心逐漸調適到祂的同在中。這並不在於我做了什麼或如何去做,而是在於為神的恩典傾注預留空間,學習與祂連結,並傾聽祂以微小聲音啟示祂自己的方式。

For more information about the Labyrinth:


The Christ Temple is an octagonal church that embodies traditional Chinese architecture both inside and out. It is solemn, yet at the same time, welcoming. At the time, there was a group from Taiwan gathering there, so I didn’t have the chance to see the inside. As I overheard their reading of the Scriptures and responding with a simple chant, it evoked the nuance of “the Word was with God, the wind blows wherever it pleases.” 聖殿是一座八角形的教堂,內外都體現了傳統中國建築風格。它莊嚴,同時又讓人感到親切。在那時,有一群來自台灣的信徒在那裡聚集,因此我沒有機會進去參觀。當我聽到他們誦讀聖經並以簡單的聖歌回應時,它讓我聯想到「道與上帝同在,風隨意思而吹」的意境。


Follow a narrow footpath and you will find a narrow doorway, the Narrow Gate. On each side, wrote “Many that enter through the wide gate will not achieve true happiness” and “Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”. As I slowly walked along the narrow pathway, passed through the Narrow Gate, self-examined, where am I on the path of life? 沿著一條狹窄的小徑走,盡頭有一道窄門,名為「生命門」。門的兩側寫著:「寛路行人多並無真樂」,「窄門進者少內有永生」。走在窄路,凝望對聯,穿過窄門,省察真我,我不禁問自己:我在人生的道路上又處於何處?


Through the Narrow Gate, I entered a space with a few highlights. The first thing that captured both my eyes and my heart was undoubtedly the Big Cross. In the photo featuring only the Cross, it might be hard to grasp its size. However, when you look at the second picture, where a person stands at the foot of the Cross, you realize just how gigantic it is! Looking up at the Cross, I am deeply grateful to have a share in salvation; looking down at the city, I see the rich diversity of life. The Big Cross is engraved with the words “It is finished,” reminding Christ’s disciples of our duty to carry on the mission of the Kingdom. 穿過窄門,我來到了一個充滿亮點的空間。首先吸引我眼球和內心的,無疑是那座龐大的十字架。在僅有十字架的照片中,可能很難感受到它的巨大。然而,當你看到第二張照片中有人站在十字架腳下時,就會意識到它是多麼的壯觀!仰望十字架,我心甚感恩,因為我在救恩中有份;俯瞰城市,我看見生命的豐富多樣性。這座巨大無比的十字架上刻著「成了」這句話,提醒基督的門徒要承接並完成天國的使命。


The next highlight is the Pavilion of Gratitude. The hexagonal pavilion features six ceramic tile paintings on the inside, depicting the life of Jesus. Each painting was hand-drawn in the style of traditional Chinese art. It’s fascinating to see Jesus and His disciples portrayed as Chinese men! This creates a sense that God is truly close to people of all nations. These paintings tell the stories of Jesus’ grace on earth. It is a blessing to give thanks to God for His grace through all the ups and downs of life. 下一亮點是感恩亭。這座六角形的亭子內部有六幅陶瓷磚畫,描繪了耶穌的生平。每幅畫都是用傳統中國畫風格手工繪製的。看到耶穌和祂的門徒被描繪成中國人,實在令人感到非常有趣!這讓人感受到神確實與萬民緊密相連。這些畫作講述了耶穌在世上所施的恩典。能夠感謝上帝在生命中無論順境或逆境中賜予的恩典,確實是蒙福的。

Through the “Narrow Gate of Life,” we enter into salvation; through “Love and Compassion,” we proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” As we receive the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us live out His self-sacrificial love, so that people may see God's glory, bow down in reverence, and confess with one voice: Jesus Christ is Lord, worshiping and glorifying God the Father! 透過「生命門」進入救恩,以「博愛」傳揚基督。馬可福音 16:15:「你們往普天下去,傳福音給萬民聽。」我們得著主耶穌基督的生命,讓我們以祂捨己的愛去活出愛,讓人們看見上帝的尊榮,屈膝跪下,眾口宣認:耶穌基督是主,敬拜並榮耀父神!


The exit archway also features four words, 「道風大千」, which means “the Boundless Universe of the Word and the Wind.” This reflects the essence of Ignatian Spirituality: the practice of finding God in all things and recognizing His presence in everyone, everywhere, and in everything. As we cultivate a deeper awareness of His presence, we grow in gratitude and reverence. This, in turn, deepens our devotion to God and strengthens our love for our Creator. 出口的拱門上刻有四個字:「道風大千」,這反映了依納爵靈修的核心精神:在一切事物中尋見神,並認識祂無處不在,無人不有。當我們更加敏銳地覺察到祂的臨在時,我們便在感恩與敬畏中成長。這進一步加深了我們對上帝的委身,並增強了我們對創造者的愛。


As I was walking down from Tao Fong Shan back to Sha Tin Station, I was deeply moved when I saw a banner simply hanging over a house that read, “God is making streams in the wasteland.” This is from Isaiah 43:19: “This is what the Lord says — See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isn't God promising that He will continue to do new things? He will make a way where there seems to be no way; He works in ways we cannot see, calling us to trust Him and co-labor with Him! Hallelujah! Let’s pray that we will continue to walk the path of faith and trust, and may our Sovereign God continue to guide our lives and make a way for our Stouffville Grace Family! 當我從道風山步行回沙田站時,我被一個簡單懸掛在房屋上的橫幅深深感動,上面寫著:「神在沙漠開江河。」這句話來自以賽亞書 43:19:「耶和華如此說:看哪,我要行一件新事,如今就要顯明,你們豈不知道嗎?我必在曠野開道路,在沙漠開江河。」難道神不是在應許祂會繼續做新事嗎?祂會在看似沒有道路的地方開路;祂以我們看不見的方式工作,呼召我們信靠祂並與祂同工!哈利路亞!讓我們祈禱,願我們繼續走在信心與信靠的道路上,願全能的神繼續引領我們的生命,並為我們的恩泉家開路!

“Breath of God” © 2015 Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman & Philip Percival
Breath of God (Lyric Video) // Emu Music