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This Family

Is SGBC (Stouffville Grace Baptist Church) your home? What does "home" mean to you?

I often reflect on my early experiences with church, especially a cantonese song called "This Family" that left a deep impression on me, filling my heart with a hopeful vision for the church. With that vision, I immersed myself in church life, joyfully engaging in different ministries. At the time, our church gatherings were about 100 people, so there were many opportunities to serve. In the first few years, I didn’t have a formal role, but over time, I served as an usher, played guitar in the worship team, and even joined the board. Each step was a part of my learning and growth in serving. Eventually, as I sensed God’s call, I went to seminary, hope to do even more in building our Father’s house.

Throughout these years of ministry, I’ve seen how the world’s rapid changes have subtly shifted the definition of “home.” Today, many newcomers to church may not necessarily see it as their home. For some, the church may feel like a temporary refuge, a restaurant, a school for their children, or even just a place to watch a performance. But the concept of church as home is not a mere label we assign; it is deeply rooted in Scripture. The church is not just a gathering place for believers; it is truly our spiritual home. Here, we are called to love and care for one another, to encourage each other’s growth in the Lord. Together, we carry one another’s joys and burdens, living out Christ’s love, and making the church a living testimony of His grace. This is why we call each other “brothers and sisters,” united by the blood of Christ, becoming a family in Him.

However, the key question isn’t how others view the church, but how you personally see it. Dear brothers and sisters, is the church your home? In recent years, I’ve noticed that some people serve in one church, attend worship at another, and participate in small groups at yet a third. If this is a temporary phase while they seek a spiritual home, it’s understandable. But if this situation continues long-term, it’s worth considering whether one can truly be rooted in a spiritual family this way.
I once heard a pastor share about the experiences of churches in the UK. Some churches grew rapidly from around 100 people to thousands, but with that growth came challenges and even crises. Many people came with a reserved attitude, meeting brothers and sisters from all over but keeping a “wait-and-see” mindset, evaluating whether the church’s ministry and teaching met their expectations. Limited by work and life pressures, they offered little in terms of time and resources, and their financial contributions were often symbolic. For the church, the need for pastoral care increased, but resources did not grow at the same rate, putting even more strain on ministry and pastoral care.

Now, returning to SGBC—has it truly become your home? If so, I thank God for you and encourage you to invest yourself fully in the life of the church. Join in worship, growth groups, Sunday School, and service opportunities with a joyful heart. Our church needs the commitment of every brother and sister so that we can build each other up and grow together. 

Have we found a sense of belonging and mission in this spiritual home? Are we willing to establish deep spiritual relationships here and respond to God’s call with practical actions?